
Another word for running for your life
Another word for running for your life

another word for running for your life

For example: You take your first yoga class (action), then you know what happens in a yoga class (memory), and if you enjoyed the class, you decide to go back the following week (desire), and that following week you turn up again with your mat (action).

another word for running for your life

When you perform an action, it creates a memory, which in turn generates a desire, which leads you to perform another action. The energy created by an action has to be returned: “As yea sow so shall yea reap.” It cannot be avoided. Karma is energy, which in itself is neither good nor bad these are just the labels people choose to attach to it. Physics shows that for every action, there must be an equal and opposite reaction. Unless you are a highly evolved, enlightened being, Karma affects your life in every way in fact, your life is the constant unfolding of Karma! The Karmic Software

Another word for running for your life