This includes money going out, like receipts, and money coming in, like paystubs and invoices. To paint an accurate financial picture, you’ll need an efficient means of capturing your financial data. When it comes to personal finance, keeping track of your month-to-month and yearly expenses can help you save for the future. The business world isn’t the only one that relies on accurate expense tracking. Evernote Expert, Lydia Martin Capture receipts, invoices, and similar documents At the end of the year, sort notes by category and create an index (clickable link list) which gives you a one-page view of your expenses and the ability to click directly to that receipt if needed. For example, while payroll is one of the largest expenses for most businesses-accounting for upwards of 70% of operating costs- 20% of employers still rely on spreadsheets to manage that crucial category! Wise business owners, however, employ smart strategies to track and organize business expenses, improving accuracy and providing visibility into their operations.Įxpert tip: When saving/scanning receipts into Evernote, list the tax expense category FIRST in the title, then a description of the expense, then the total amount. With so much room for human error, though, it’s surprising that many businesses still fall short.
Detailed tracking will save you more money each year by allowing you to see where you can cut upfront costs and what qualifies as a write-off come tax season. Accurate expense tracking is vital to the success of any business, no matter how large or small.